Tuesday, June 16, 2009

To Do List.

According to Ali, it's time to set my summer knitting goals. So here is what I want to get finished before summer's end.

1.) The dress for my Little One (see here) that I started around Thanksgiving.
2.) A newborn baby cap for good friends of mine who just became parents for the first time. I will be meeing their darling little Calvin this Saturday, so time is of the essence on this one.
3.) A winter hat for my soon-to-arrive Niece, Mackenzie. Something girly and fun.
4.) A "matching" (or coordinating, if you'd rather) hat for her brother, my nephew, Logan.
5.) A sweater or newborn sleeper for NumberTwo..set to arrive in January.
6.) A sweater for myself from the summer issue of Debbie Bliss Magazine. This will be the motivation to lose the baby wieght I am currently putting on
7.) Enough hats to sell at my work's annual Craft Fair this November. I have about 10 from last season, so I'm hoping for about 20 or so new hats.
8.) A stuffed bunny (Debbie Bliss pattern) for Number Two. Little One has a stuffed bear, so it's only fair. She also has a crocheted blanket..but Number Two is getting a quilt. We'll call it even! (And yes, that quilt is on the list...but it's not knitting...)

Holy cow, that's a big list. I'm slightly intimidated by it. And while it's supposed to be a "Summer To-Do List," realistically I'm hoping to have 1-4 done by end of summer, and the rest by November. I think I can handle that. If I give up sleeping 8 hours each night. And playing with Little One on the weekends.

And everything else.

What's your list look like?



  1. Oh my goodness you are ambitious!!!! Thanks for your comment about my new urban hats. Here's the dealy-o...I'm terrible at writing things down. So here's what I did: I used the mock cable pattern I found in my vogue knitting dictionary. Have you tried that one before? It's a fun stitch. I used yarn I had laying around. Double it if you have anything lighter than worsted. Make sense?

  2. just saw you live in blaine...me too!

  3. I am kind of addicted to sewing right now, but I have a couple of knitting projects that I have been neglecting. I have supplies for my first pair of socks. And I have a pattern for a hooded cable sweater than I want to make for A. I also want to make A a hat for the winter- one with ear flaps. And I would like a new hat for myself but i am so bad at knitting for myself. :)
