Monday, June 29, 2009

I Can Sew: Proof

A close up of the back of the quilt.  In all its crookedness.

The whole back of the quilt. I had some problems with thread tension and I got some back loops.  The flaws are what give it character.  At least that's what I'm telling myself.

The front of the quilt.  

Update: I am currently working on the binding.  I've sewn the pieces together, ironed the whole long bit of it, and have stitched it to the front of the quilt.  All that remains is the hand stitching and it will be complete.  So, dear handful, I'm off to sew.



  1. it looks greaat!! i can't wait to see in person! i just finished quilting mine and i have some back loops too. i just can't decide if i need to rip it out and do it again in those parts. i will sleep on it!

  2. DRL makes a lovely quilt stand. :)

  3. so great! love the colors. I am always so proud of myself when I sew...what is that about us knitters? It's a different feeling of accomplishment. :)

  4. Wow! I'm pretty stunned that you've gone from novice sewing machine user to queen of the quilting! Great work - it looks like a beautiful quilt :)
